Thursday, April 30, 2009


My boss from WSU, Randy and his gal Robyn came to visit the babies. We had a great time and a wonderful dinner. Thanks guys! We are off today to Hood's Canal for our annual shrimping trip. This will be the longest trip we've taken with the babies. I feel like I'm packing the entire house today. We are excited to spend some quality time with friends and make some special memories with our babies. This is our 5th year and I'm sure we will continue this trip for many years to come. Wish us luck!!!

1 comment:

Robyn Boose said...

Oh my gosh, we are famous. WE MADE THE BLOG!!!!!

Thank you so much for entertaining us, we had a great time! I am sure Jackson will want to come back soon and see if you took down those dead animals. :)

Love you guys!

Randy, Robyn and Jackson