Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Number was HIGH today!

Good News!  My HCG level skyrocketed since Friday.  That's what we want!  On Friday it was 78 and now it's 539.5.  This means that the baby or babies are holding on tight and should be very safe and comfortable.  My nurse said the number was excellent!  I have my ultrasound on Monday, 2/18.  We will get to hear the heartbeat(s) and know how many are in there.  We are still so overwhelmed with joy.  This is proof that miracles DO happen and we are so fortunate to get such an amazing gift from God.  I might post a few more times while we wait for the exciting news on 2/18.  Love, Ang and Josh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How exciting!!! I can't wait to hear the heartbeat!!