Monday, September 8, 2008

It's Been Interesting!

Mid-day yesterday we got Taylor's spinal tap results. It came back negative for Menengitis, BUT positive for some other bug. Docs are completely puzzled about this. They've never seen a case like this and said if this bug is really present they will be writing a new chapter in the medical books. Doc said any bugs you find via a spinal tap are ALWAYS present in the blood stream first. All that was found in Taylor's blood stream was Staph not this new bug. They are comparing it to Ecoli as it's a long rod bacteria. The lab is doing a culture growth on a second sample from his spinal tap to confirm that there was no contamination. We should know the results within 3 days. They are putting Taylor on higher doses of antibiotics in the event he does have this. We confirmed that it's treatable and he will be fine, but we are really concerned about this new information and hope that he doesn't have another infection! Doc truly believes that Taylor does not have this new bug. He said he doesn't act sick at this point and all other blood work looks good. We will keep you posted.

Laynie is doing wonderful! The NICU is working on all of her discharge paperwork today and we should be taking her with us by end of week if not sooner. We are SO excited to know what it's like to be parents and to have her with us 24/7. It will be sad to leave Taylor behind, but we will still be staying across the street and see him daily. With all that's going on with him we've learned that you really have to be there to help with his care. The NICU is an amazing place filled with wonderful docs and nurses, but we've been in many scenarios, especially lately where if we were not present when some decisions were being made about his medical care, things could have been missed or tests delayed which could have been really bad for Taylor. Every 3 days we have new nurses (day and night) and sometimes it's every other day and even every day at times. If a nurse hasn't been with Taylor before and doesn't know how he's supposed to act or his history, mistakes are more prone. Anyway, we need to be there for him every day and be very active in all the decision making.

Taylor is loosing weight. He's now under 3 lbs. Laynie is fast approaching 5 lbs!!!

We love you all! And appreciate all the prayers and support.
Josh and Ang


Analese Forster said...

Wow, I just got back from Bend and read with amazement all that's been happening! You & Josh are incredible parents, and I am glad that you are able to stay close to the hospital to participate in all the important decisions. Good luck bringing Laynie home, it'll be fun! We need some new pictures!!! :)

Tony and Megan said...

Hi, we just wanted to let you know that even though we don't know you very well, Tony and I are reading along in your journey and praying for you. Your strength is amazing, Taylor and Laynie are beautiful!! We know about the anxiety of waiting for test results, bracing for the worst, and hoping for the best. It is all worth it! Take care,
Megan and Tony Fox

Julie said...

Ang and Josh, Hang in there! It sounds like you're in good hands and that you are very proactive parents... that makes ALL the difference! Taylor and Laynie are so blessed to have such strong, loving parents! God won't give you something you (or the babies) can't handle... He is with you every moment of every day! Blessings! Julie

Glenda said...

Just want to let you know that I am checking the blog often and praying with each new report.
May God continue to give the Doctors Wisdom and both of you Strength and Grace as He continues to pour out His Healing over Taylor.
Love & Prayers,

julietnscott said...

Hi Angie, Josh, Laynie, and Taylor. You are all in our prayers and we are cheering your family on. We are so thankful you have such an excellent medical team for the little ones and that you are able to be so close to them. We look forward to meeting them in the future. Love, Juliet and Scott