Monday, July 7, 2008

News from St. V's Visit

After a 3 hour appt., we have some information to share. They believe that there's a placenta issue with Taylor. He's probably not getting everything he needs to thrive. There's not much we can do other than pray for him. Remember, he's our little peanut and he started off with a small sac and we didn't know if he would make it. Well, since his sac started off poor, they believe that's why he's having issues at this point. The doctor was very honest is saying that he may not make it to the milestone we need him to. They are going to monitor him at the Salmon Creek Clinic twice per week, so every Monday and Thursday and then I go back to St. V's on July 24th to see if he has made any significant progress.

We were given several scenarios: 1 - he continues to grow the way he is now and we can get him to the milestone of 32 weeks (I'm now 26 weeks and 3 days) then they can take both babies and provide for him. 2 - He stops growing and they take the babies right away (preferably not until at least 28 weeks), but there's a lot of risk for both babies taking them this early, so hard decisions will have to be made. 3 - He doesn't make it to either milestone.

We really need Taylor (and Laynie for that matter) to make it to AT LEAST 32 weeks. He will be stronger and his lungs are the biggest issue any sooner than this milestone and he would have to be in the hospital for a lot longer. Please continue your prayers and support. We know Taylor is a fighter and he has been since day 1. He's made it this far, he just has a little further to go (which will seem like an eternity for us).

In a nut shell, carrying these babies to term is not going to happen. The docs will take them as soon as it's safe to do so. The further we get them the better. This also means that the babies will be born at St. V's and not Southwest WA Medical Center.

Thanks to everyone for sending us emails and for praying for us. We love you! We trust God with our precious babies and will patiently wait to see what the outcome is. Love, Josh, Angie, Taylor and Laynie


Unknown said...

Angie and Josh,
I just read about the babies, you know we will be praying everyday for all of you. Know we Love you

G & G Hartmann

Martta said...

You know that we will be praying our hearts out for you 4! You all are so strong and have such an awesome group of family and friends that love and care for you. you have gotten this far and we are not giving up. if you need anything let us know. i will drop everything for you. ;) We love you guys!!

Tim and Terry said...

Josh and Angie. We are praying for your and your twins. I send out mental positives everytime I think of you guys. We hope this is just a way of your little man testing his parents!! Love Tim and Terry Leineweber

Julie said...

Angie - I've not been blessed to meet you face to face yet... but know that I am praying for you and the babies. Each day, they are getting stronger... and I know you will be able to lean upon the Lord to get you through this time of worry and doubt. I look forward to meeting you and these precious babies one day. God Bless You! Love, your cousin, Julie
(Hi, Josh!)