Monday, July 14, 2008

Remaining Hopeful!

Hello Everyone! My first monitoring appointment went really well. In a nutshell, I go in and they hook me up to 3 monitors; 1 for Laynie, 1 for Taylor and 1 to see if I'm having contractions. The appt lasts about 2 hours and they are running tests during this time. Basically, they give points to each baby for certain things and by the end of the appt the babies need to pass the test. Points are given for the number of movements, their heart rate, breathing (well, it's called practice can see their chests go up and down) and I think there's one more thing and it has slipped my mind. I go back tomorrow afternoon so I will post after that appt. Anyway, Taylor ended up passing before Laynie and he stayed right with her the whole time as far as heart rate goes. Unlike the St. V's appt, I left there with some reassurance that Taylor is still doing good!!

We truly believe in the power of prayer and know that Taylor has made it this far because of that. Our prayers are working and we so much appreciate all the love and support we have. This whole journey has been a blessing/yet at times a struggle and we wouldn't have been able to do all of this without YOU!

I have 3 more monitoring appts at Kaiser until the next St. V's appt. So, one tomorrow, then on Thursday, then on Monday. Thursday the 24th we head to St. V's to get the news on whether or not Taylor has grown. Just to clarify as this can get confusing. The monitoring appts are for precautionary reasons. IF for some reason Taylor shows any kind of stress and doesn't pass at any of these appts, we'll be sent straight to St. V's to talk about options. The appt on the 24th will tell us if he's grown over the past 3 weeks or not. If not, we'll have some decisions to make regarding options (as outlined in my previous blog). We must pray that he remains stress free and that he's made some progress growth wise by the 24th. If he has, then I will probably go back to being monitored until the next milestone to doc sets. Again, our goal is 32 weeks which is only 4 weeks away (August 15th). Of course, the longer the better and who knows, I may just prove all these docs wrong and carry them all the way!

Also, many people have asked if I've been put on bed rest. I'm currently on partial be rest. So, I work 8-Noon, then I go home and lay down/nap for the afternoon.

Thank you to everyone for all of your love, prayers and support. Our babies are truly miracles and gifts from God. We have strong faith that we will hold them both soon and they will be healthy. Love, Josh, Angie, Taylor and Laynie


Martta said...

I am so happy to hear that your little Taylor is passing his tests so far! Same goes for your little Laynie!! I will continue to pray for all your other appts that they continue to pass with flying colors!

Unknown said...

I am glad to hear that it went well!!
i am not as sick thank goodness!


Unknown said...

I knew you would have a good report, we know who is in charge. it was good to see you last week, we will keep the Prayer going.
Love you ALL.
Grandma Barb