Thursday, July 31, 2008

Praise the Lord!

We got the tests results back about an hour ago! Everything came back good on Taylor, no severe deficiencies! We can now focus on the placenta and umbilical cord issues. I will be admitted to St. V's on Saturday. I can go in at anytime, so I'm thinking early afternoon I should be there and starting to get settled in. I will be there until the babies are born. I will be using my mom's laptop to keep you all updated. I will post as soon as I'm settled in my room. I know several people want to come visit. I'm happy to have visitors, but please plan to call in advance. I will post my room number as well. We are truly relieved after today's news and feel as if a large brick house has been lifted off our backs. We are excited to move forward and to be in good hands 24/7. Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers! As I've always said, we couldn't do this without YOU! Love, Josh, Angie, Taylor and Laynie

1 comment:

Martta said...

Chris and I are soo happy to hear that the tests came back looking good!
Everytime I look at Faithie I think of you all and Pray that God blesses you two with beautiful healthy babies. So I pray for you guys ALL the time!!!
God is soo good! I would love to come spend time with you at the hospital and my offer to take care of your first born still stands just let me know where I can help!! Love you!