Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Red Hat


grandpa said...

Hi Angie,

So many people ask about you. I saw Jan Johnson in the parking lot this morning and she asked. Everyone in cabinet asks on cabinet day. Love the the red hat. I am glad Taylor is doing so well. You guys are inspiratons to us at WSU. We miss you. Doing pumpkins tonight with Megan, Maddie, Robyn and Jackson. I am sure we will be talking about your latest blog entry. Have a great week.


Analese Forster said...

wow! he's gotten so big! you must be so excited that he's doing is wonderful to hear things are moving forward at a good pace.

Anonymous said...

He looks SO cute! I love the hat. I am SO excited for you. It sounds like your homeward bound :) That will be so nice for you guys.

Love ya