Thursday, October 2, 2008


We are very excited about Taylor's weight gain. He's now 4 lbs, 4.3 ounces. He's looking SO good! We are still working on bottle feeding with him. We are determined to get him home as soon as possible.

Laynie is doing wonderful. She's now 6 lbs, 2 ounces. She got her 2 month shots yesterday and that was very hard for me to watch. I now understand when parents say they will take the pain for their children. I wanted to yesterday!

Please continue to pray for Taylor. The physical therapist is now telling us that it would be very rare for Taylor to just "flick the switch" and get the coordination down with the bottle. She said it will be a very slow progression. We are not going to settle with that. As he's always done, Taylor will prove everyone wrong!! With mine and Josh's determination we are going to work as hard as we can day after day to get him feeding and home.

J & A


Anonymous said...

Little Miss Piggy seems to be chuggin' along...Taylor will be right behind her. He is just as determined as you and Josh are. We all are. Love you lots and I'm always thinking and praying for you all. You are my strength as well. Love you!

Robyn Boose said...

Everyone just needs to cut that little man some slack! He's not even to term, weighed less than 2 pounds at birth, has gotten the "short-end of the stick" since conception AND had 2 major surgeries. JEESH! My premature niece (14 weeks early-1.5 lbs) struggled with eating as well. Now she is in the 100th percentile and eats everything (including veggies). Every fighter needs some rest!

Martta said...

I 100% agree with Robyn"s commet! He has done amazing for how little he started out and he will continue I just know it!
I feel like you guys have been on another planet! I miss you guys soo much! We think of you 4 everyday and pray like crazy that you all will be home real soon!
We love you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad that Taylor is gaining weight! And I know he will get the feeding thing down! And Laynie is just sounding wonderful :) We are so happy for you and we miss you guys.
