Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's a GREAT day!

Laynie now weighs 3 lbs!!! She's off the oxygen and breathing on her own now. All she has is a tiny feeding tube in her mouth. She's SO beautiful with all that equipment gone. Later today they are going to take her off the IV and she'll be on breast milk only. She's just progressing in leaps and bounds. I will be able to start breast feeding her in the next week or two. I'm SOOOO excited!!!!! I'm so ready to bond with her.

Taylor is very stable and comfortable. We are just waiting as each day passes hoping and praying that his intestines will heal on their own. The surgeon looked at his tubes yesterday and said she was very happy with the way everything looked. They are going to do an x-ray this weekend and they are pretty hopeful that his intestines will heal on their own and so he may be off the breathing assistance, morphine and can take the tubes out. We can't wait for this. We haven't had a chance to see Taylor's personality and with him being on the morphin he really doesn't open his eyes much.

We took some great pictures over the past few days, so we will get those posted soon. Josh and I are doing great! We are all settled in and have a schedule for each day. It does seem as though days are going by fast, although most of the time we don't remember what day it is.

We love you all!


Unknown said...

thats great news!!! YAY :)
Cant wait to see more pictures!

Love you,

Martta said...

I am so bummed I missed your call!! I love checking your blog and reading all the GOOD news!! Your little Laynie is getting so big and your little Taylor is progressing like a champ. It's amazing to watch God work! You and Josh are so blessed and so are your babies! Love you guys!