Friday, August 15, 2008

Weigh In

Now that Laynie has been taken off of her IV, she lost a few ounces last night. I'm sure by tonight she'll have gained it back if not surpassed where she was. She's now back to 3 lbs. Great news on Taylor....HE MADE IT TO THE 2 LB MARK!!!! Yippee, we are so excited to see him grow. He's still just very stable. Waiting for those intestines to heal up. Not sure yet which day they are planning to pull his drains to see how he does. Hopefully it will happen over the weekend as they've been telling us all week. We'll keep you updated.

Ang and Josh


Unknown said...

Sounds great!! I am so glad :)
I can't wait to hear from you to schedule a visit.

Love Jack

Deb said...

Angie and Josh,

We read your daily updates, and we are so very thankful of your wonderful news! Your babies are so very beautiful and precious. God really does work wonders. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Keep strong on this long journy. We can't wait to meet your babies!

Blessings to you.....Deb, Steve, Amy David and Molly

(Chris Pratt's AUnt, Uncle and Cousins)