Monday, August 11, 2008

Looking Much Better Today!

It has been a roller coaster ride since my last post. On our way to the apartment on Saturday we got another call from the docs. Taylor wasn't going pee and hadn't for quite some time. The docs were very worried about his kidneys. They let us know that they were going to do an ultrasound to look at his kidneys and wanted us to come in as soon as we got there to talk with the docs. This was probably one of the most scariest moments. Josh and I walked into the NICU and 4 docs were standing around Taylor's bed. I FREAKED! It just didn't look good. One of the docs explained their concern and said all we can do is wait for the ultrasound results. We were supposed to get the results by 3 in the afternoon and the ultrasound tech ended up getting called into the ER. SO....we waited and waited. Talking and praying with Taylor. Finally, the ultrasound was done and the results came in. Everything was FINE with his kidney's. The docs were stumped at this point. Why wasn't Taylor going pee??? Thanks to my hubby for asking a lot of questions they decided to put a new catheter in to see if maybe that was put in wrong the first time. Guess what! That was the problem. With a new catheter, Taylor was peeing. Talk about a lot of stress! We believe everything happens for a reason so maybe that error helped something else.

Taylor is still fighting through this intestine issue. He's doing so good. Fighting with every breath. They have him on morphine, but took him off a few other drugs last night and this morning he was alert. Josh and I read to him and spent some solid quality time talking and praying with him. He opened his eyes and kept looking over to me and then back to Josh. It was the most beautiful time with him. Seeing him a little more alert and moving a bit has given us the hope we need to continue to fight with him. Doc says Taylor is on the right track and everyone is very hopeful that his intestines will heal on their own. It will take about a week to 2 weeks before we will know if it heals on it's own or if he'll need surgery.

Laynie is doing amazing! She's gaining her weight back. Last night she weighed 2 lbs 13 oz. She was born 2 lbs 15 oz so she's on the right track. She's up to 7 cc's of my milk every 4 hours now. She's going to be packing on the pounds! The docs are planning to take her completely off oxygen in the next few days, so she'll be breathing without assistance. What a huge accomplishment. She now looks like a baby. She hardly has any equipment on her head and as soon as the oxygen goes all she will have is her feeding tube. She's also sucking on a binky and letting all the nurses know when she wants something. She has quite the personality. I'm pretty sure she's my girl. She's really funny. When we go and visit, most nurses tell us she just got done throwing a fit.....BUT she's always sleeping when we arrive. I try and try to wake her up and I'm pretty sure she's pretending to be sleeping. I figured out her game though. I told the nurse yesterday that all I have to do is go over to Taylor's bed and WOW she's awake! I look over and she's throwing her arms up and kicking her legs up and starting to fuss. Of course, mommy runs over to be by her side and hold her binky in! She's such a JOY!

We are SO blessed and see God everyday in our babies! We know he is working wonders and have no doubt that he will heal Taylor and then he'll be on the road to recovery and will quickly progress as Laynie is. Today is a GREAT day! What we've learned is that we have to take this day by day if not hour by hour. Things can change in a heart beat. We are thankful for each day and look forward to the day we can go home with our precious babies. We love you! Josh, Angie, Laynie and Taylor


Anonymous said...

Hey Ang and Josh! I've been staying updated through auntie Sheila but was finally able to find your blog and read up on all that has happened. Just want you to know that I think and pray for you all often! Big hugs and kisses to you and the babies! Love you!

Martta said...

Wow! I am in tears right now! I am so happy you get to have a great day with your little ones!! I am going to pray for more great days for you and Josh! Love you guys!

Kristine Brown said...

Hi Angie, this is Kristine from the Nursing Department! I just returned from my vacation and heard the news! Your babies are beautiful! You are amazing....Many blessings coming to you and your family. xo Kristine

Ppratt said...

Jpsh and Angie, We are so thrilled to hear of the good news today. We keep you constantly in our prayers and anxiously wait for the day that we can meet your tiny miracles in person. So glad that you were able to see Chris and Amii....they gave us all the news. I think I check this site at least 8-10 times each day just hoping to hear news. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop. Please give Laynie and Taylor big loves from us and remember to take care of each other. God Bless all of you! Pam and Bill

MMcGraw said...

Josh and Angie, It was just wonderful to read of your good news!! I know it takes time to write your updates, and I can only imagine how exhausted you both must be right now. I want you to know that I check my computer several times a day and really appreciate the updates. We continue to hold you all in our hearts and we pray for many more good days!
Mike and Lynn