Saturday, August 30, 2008


Laynie is getting so big. She's now in a open crib and doing well with holding her own temp! That's one thing she needs to be able to do before coming home. She's also doing really well with bottle feeding and getting better with breast feeding. 2 other things she needs to be doing to come home. Doc says she's about 2 weeks from coming home! We are SO very excited to have her all to ourselves! We will be keeping her over at the guest housing as Taylor still has a pretty long road. Doc said today it's looking like about 5 more weeks in the NICU for him.

There are several pros and cons to Laynie getting out before Taylor. They won't be together, so that will probably be harder for me than them. Laynie won't be allowed to go into the NICU with us. Once babies have been exposed to the outside world, they can't go back for visits. It will also be difficult for Josh and I as we won't be able to go to see Taylor together anymore. One of us will have to stay behind with Laynie and then take turns to go to see him. We will be relying more on our parents to be here to help babysit! Hint!! Hint!! The other bummer is just that we can't officially take her HOME! We will still be in the guest housing until Taylor is released. Of course, the BEST side to all of this is we will have our little princess with us. She will be the joy and light that keeps us going until Taylor can join us and we can all learn to be a family at HOME!!!!

Laynie weighed exactly 4 lbs last night!!!! Taylor weighed 2lbs, 14.8 ounces. Both are doing really well. Taylor continues to surprise all of us with his progress. Stay tuned for Monday's news regarding his intestine issue.

We love you!
Josh and Ang

1 comment:

Martta said...

We are still thinking about you 4! Right now we are in Montana with family. I was thinking I wasn't going to be able to check your blog until we got home but someone around us has wireless!! Yipee! Well I better go I just wanted to check in and let you know that we are thinking about you all!
loves from Montana!!!
The Harlow's