Monday, August 18, 2008


We just found out that Taylor will need heart surgery. It's scheduled for tomorrow, between 1-3 p.m. I'm scared to death about this. I know God is with us and I know he will comfort Josh and I as we sit in the waiting room. The surgery should only take about 20-30 minutes, but those will be the longest minutes of my life!! Please pray that Taylor is strong enough to make it through this. He's so tiny and fragile and I would feel much better if he didn't have these other issues that he's trying to fight too. I just don't know how much he can take. All we can do is pray and trust God's plan for our son. Love, Josh and Angie


Unknown said...

I am SURE we will ALL be praying very hard at that time tomorrow! God is watching over Taylor for sure and I hope and pray that he will make it over this next hurdle.
I love you guys very much!!!


Sarah said...

Josh, Angie, Laynie, and little Taylor - I will be praying so hard for you all to get over this next hurdle. You will be in my thoughts for sure tomorrow. I've been keeping my family posted on everything and they are also praying for you and sending their support. Angie and Josh - you are the strongest people I've ever met - I'm sending you both a great big hug and I hope the support from everybody helps to give you some comfort and continued strength!
Love, Sarah Revord

Julie said...

Angie and Josh,
God will protect Taylor and keep him safe. He is the almighty healer. I pray that He will hold Taylor in his loving hands and protect him, comfort him, give him strength, and heal his tiny body. I have forwarded your blog address to a couple friends who are praying for Taylor. God Bless you... and those babies! Love, cousin Julie

Unknown said...

Josh & Angie,

Our prayer chain at Church will be Praying tomorrow for Taylor, as they have been since he and Laynie were born. I still feel he will be alright, we just have to keep believing as we Pray. You both must take care of yourselves to.
Love you both Blessings and Prayers. G & G Hartmann

Unknown said...

We love you and are praying for you

Martta said...

We too will pray extra for little Taylor! He is a strong little boy and I know that God is going to be right there holding his little hand for you as you wait in the waiting room! Waiting is the hardest thing to do, I have my times of waiting during my moms many surgeries so I will be praying for you and Josh as well that God gives you comfort as you wait for the news on Taylor. We love you 4 and will make sure to have a special prayer time just for Taylor! You are in our thoughts always. Get some rest for tomorrow is going to be a long day! XOXO
The Harlows