Taylor is still very sleeping and all his vitals looked good at our 8:00 visit. His scar is HUGE! I wasn't really expecting it to be as big as it is, but it had to be done. That scar will always remind us of God's miracle work. Nurse said Taylor should be awake for us in the morning. We're excited to see him move around again. His oxygen level was amazing, even the nurse was shocked and said that's a very positive sign that his surgery worked!!!! Thank you Lord!
We had fun giving Laynie her first bath tonight. She didn't even make a peep. She loved it! Josh got to hold her for a long time. It was so sweet to see her fall asleep on daddy. She weighed 3 lbs, 4.3 ounces. Yippee....she's growing and won't stop at this point. If she continues to do this well, we can take her home soon. Maybe within the next month. I'm sure Taylor will stay longer, so we will keep Laynie with us at the guest housing until they both can come home.
We are extremely relieved and ready to get some long awaited rest! I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and visit with Taylor and our little princess. We can't forget about her! She won't let us! : )
We love you all. Ang and Josh
Very very cool! Hope things continue to go well, and all these tense & trying moments will be a distant memory soon. We are very thankful all went well with Taylor's surgery!
I'm sorry if I come to your privat blog, because I like to blogwalk.
Just to say "greetings from me"...
John Deru
WONDERFUL news! My friend said that her husband has a big scar, too... from the middle of his back to under his armpit. Yes, it will always be a reminder of God's miracle for little Taylor!!! Laynie is a doll! I'm so happy for you all! Love, Your cousin, Julie
God is soooooo good!!! It's awesome to know that we have a Mighty God who does hear and answer our prayers. Your baby boy is a living testimony of this! God Bless you guys!
What an amazing story you will have to share with your babies! And how God listens to our hearts and prayers! I got the goose bumps just thinking about how amazing He is. Things are looking great and I have a good feeling things will continue to get better and before you know it you 4 will be home and comfortable in your own surroundings!! God is so good to us! Amen!! Love you guys and can't wait to one day hold those miracle babies!!
And I have been showing Danny and Esther your blog and they two have been praying for you 4 everyday and believe me THEY PRAY EVERYDAY!!! ;)Love you all! XOXO
Chris, Mar, Gray, Fay and Bru!
Hey there... I didn't know about any of this.. I'm so glad that Martta passed this along to me. I will be praying for those babies. I will be praying for strenth for you and Josh as well.
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