Saturday, August 16, 2008

Weigh In

Laynie is going back up. She's now at 3 lbs, 1 oz. She's doing GREAT!! Taylor weighed 2 lbs, 4 oz. This reading isn't exactly accurate as he has more fluid today. The nurses guess he's probably at the 2 lb mark.

The x-ray for his intestines won't be until next week sometime. Doc said the tube needs to fall out and then the incisions need time to heal. Once that happens, they will do a dye test and x-ray. Doc also said there's only a 25% chance that his intestines would heal on their own. This is the first we've heard this percentage, so that was a little disappointing to learn. We are not giving up hope that they will heal. We know Taylor is strong and we'll take 25% at this point. Our babies are miracles and we don't doubt God and his healing power and HIS miracles. Monday we will talk to the Cardiologist about his heart and the options ahead. They are planning to do an Echo on Monday to look at his heart. We should know more after that. After talking more with one of the nurses tonight, it sounds like we would probably go the surgery route if what they are saying about his heart is true. The medication seems to be a bad options because of the side effects I talked about in my earlier post and the fact that most of the time it doesn't even work and you have to do surgery anyway. I don't want to risk using the medication, having it not work and then we've bothered yet another organ (kidneys).

I get pretty emotional when I visit Taylor now. He just looks so uncomfortable. He's also struggling with breathing and that keeps me awake at night. I just wish so bad that I could crawl into bed with him and hold him. I want to make everything better for him! It's so hard to leave him each time I go and visit. We pray with him at every visit and read to him. I get to hold his hand, but that's it. As we've done since day one of this journey, we need everyone to pray hard for him. I KNOW God can heal him. I KNOW God picked us to raise Taylor and there's no doubt in my mind that we'll be taking him home one day. We just need to get passed these bumps in the road. We can't say enough how much we appreciate everyones support. This is the hardest thing we've ever done (and I thought going through the process to get pregnant was the hardest). I realize now, that was just preparing us and making us stronger for this. Your continued prayers and support truly keeps us going each day. Knowing we're not alone is comforting. Thank you so much! Love, Ang and Josh


Martta said...

Thanks for the update on Taylor! We will continue to pray for his little body to heal on it's own! He is such a fighter!
I look up to both you and Josh I can't even begin to imagine what you are going thru. You both are doing amazing which I know that you probably don't totally agree with but you are! I am so happy that you have lots of family (and friends too!) near to help you get thru this! We think all 4 of you are AMAZING!!! We love you tons!
And Ang... I am up every night at 4am if you can't sleep call me we can chat! :)And Josh you can call too because I always seem to wake Chris up at that time too! :)
Go and be with your babies and love on them they are soo sweet and beautiful!!
Hugs and prayers!
The Harlow's

mpierce said...

Just wanted to let you all know that I've been thinking about you.

Soon enough this hospital ordeal will be over and you all will be home! Stay strong, have faith, and know that there a lot of people pulling for you :)
