Friday, August 15, 2008

Weigh In

Laynie went down in weight again. She's now back to her birth weight; 2 lbs, 15 oz. Nurse says this is normal because she's been taken off the IV and she has lots of fluids still in her. She should start going back up soon. Taylor gained more weight, but nurse says it's not really accurate as he has lots of fluids as well. He weighed; 2 lbs, 2 oz. They took the drain tubes out of Taylor this evening and will do an X-ray on Sunday to see if his intestines are healing. We need to pray that they are healed so we can get him off the venelator and morphin. I miss holding him and he's not real responsive since he's medicated. We are longing to know who our son is. We want to see his personality and we want to interact with him. I know God is healing him and we just need to be patient. It's hard sometimes, as we want to bond with him as we have with Laynie. We love you! J & A

1 comment:

Glenda said...

Hi Josh and Angie~
I've been reading your comments every day this week and have been praying along the way. Thank you so much for taking the time to keep us posted. It is a major blessing to know what is going on and how to pray specifically.My prayer for you tonight is that you could continue to Rest in God's Peace and Grace and in the Truth of His Word that promises that He is the same yesterday, today and forever ~ that He is still the Author of Life and the Healer. In the Name and Authority of Jesus, I speak healing over Taylor's intestines and I pray that the hole would completely close and that his intestines would be restored to the way that God intended for them to function. I ask you, God, to assign your angels over Taylor and Laynie to ensure that every organ continues to develop and grow so that they function the way you created them to. Watch over them as they sleep, increase their strength and their ability to live without the aid of equipment or medications. We know that You love Taylor and Laynie, that You are their Creator and Life-Giver and as such, we ask that You would be All that you are for them and in them in these next days and weeks. Continue to hold them and their precious parents in the Palm of Your Hand. Wash over them and the rooms that they are in with Your Peace and sustaining Grace. Allow Josh and Angie to supernaturally experience bonding to their son until the time that they can once again hold him close.Strengthen them, encourage them and Bless them because of their patience and faith. We Love you, Lord, we Trust You and we pray for Your complete healing and restoration in the Powerful Name of Jesus. AMEN!
Bless you guys ~ Love, Glenda