Monday, January 21, 2008

Anxiously Waiting

Hello Everyone - Today, it took all I had not to call the clinic to check on our little Currie embryos.  I hope they are doing ok.  I'm sure the clinic would have called if something happened.  Josh and I are getting really, really excited....a little scared and nervous as well.  I'm planning to call the clinic tomorrow if they don't call me by Noon.  I just need to know what's going on!  I will post as soon as I hear something.  Keep those prayers going strong.  We need the few embryos we have to be very healthy and strong for Wednesday.  We love you all!  Ang and Josh

1 comment:

Martta said...

I too am anxiously waiting!! I pray that those embyro's are strong and healthy for wednesday!! I am excited for our date night tomorrow! And then the next day will be the DAY!!! Everything is going to turn out just great I know it! But I will still pray cuz it never hurts to ask God to watch over you, Josh and your eggs! Love ya! Where do you want to eat?? Think about it! :) See you tomorrow!!!!