Sunday, January 27, 2008

Can't Sleep

Tonight is the first night since my Wednesday procedure that I haven't been able to fall asleep due to my mind wondering.  That's pretty good I suppose, I've managed to keep myself (and mind) very busy over the weekend.  It's hard to explain how I'm feeling right now.  I'm mostly scared and then a part of me is excited, but not the jumping up and down, blood rushing excitement.  It's more like an unsure excitement.  A fearful excitement.  In other words, I want to be very excited for Friday's news, but I have to hold back and be cautious to protect myself from the possibility of bad news.  I just feel so vulnerable.  Like I've taken my heart and soul and everything that makes me, me and put it all out on the table.  As if I were in Vegas, with my last bit of hope to win BIG.  

I've always known that I'm a surviver.  All I've been through in my life has made me very strong, but I begin to wonder, when do you stop being the surviver?  When have you been through enough to be able to say that you survived and now you can live a peaceful life?  Does that ever come or is it once a surviver, always a surviver?  Is it a curse to be so strong?  Will I keep being challenged the rest of my life just to see how strong I really am?  I guess I just don't understand how life can come so easy for some and others have to continue to fight, to be strong and to stand up against all odds.  Don't get me wrong.  I know that I'm very blessed  with all that I have, but I didn't get where I'm at in my life without a lot of struggles.  So why is that?  Why do I have to continue to "go through so much" to prove my strength?  I know God won't give me more than I can handle, but what does that really mean?  With each trial in my life, I've come out a stronger person, so in turn next time around, I can handle even more.....right?  Why can't being strong, just be enough?  Why must I continue to be tested?  I guess, only God can give me those answers.  

I know many of you have left me messages or sent me an email that I haven't responded to.  I promise, I will.  I've been on the phone a lot over the weekend and at times needed a break from the phone and email.  I truly appreciate the overwhelming support and PLEASE continue...I need it!  I just need time to get back to you, so please know that I'm thinking of you too and I very much appreciate your prayers and support.  

I better try to get some sleep.  I have a big week ahead of me. 



Martta said...

God is such an amazing God. I know that he makes life hard at times, but I am a true believer that God test the ones who truly believe in Him and the ones who he wants to see achieve their dreams. God sees you as one of those people Ang! You have been thru a lot I am sure but your right that only makes you stronger. We might never understand why God does the things He does, but we trust in Him anyways because He has the perfect plan for us in the future.
I still don't know why God took my mom, and even though it is still hard at times to be with out her. It has made me a stronger person and has helped me be the mom I am today and I am so thankful for that!
God wants you to be the perfect mom too! And if it is not now it will be in the future on His time. Just remeber that when two or more pray together God Listens for sure! Not saying that when you pray silently to yourself he doesn't listen to you, but he loves to see groups come together and talk to Him. God is hugging you and Josh and these little embryos are in His powerful hands they are in the most safe place! Keep talking to Him and he will answer you when the time is right! I too will continue to talk to Him as well! Love you girl!

Anonymous said...

Three more days! I'm praying and praying and praying for each and every step of the way for the little guys and/or girls...All my friends are praying too and they ask about you each day! Love you lots!!!